Blog Day 2008–Reading, Learning, Hoping, Blogging, Being
Blog Day is a linkfest initiated by Nir Ofir in 2005, in the belief that bloggers should have one day which will be dedicated to discover new blogs and expose them to the world. We all have a small number of people and sources of information with which we interact of a regular basis, and that social and informational context is part of what shapes who we are in the world. Blog Day is a chance to expand those social and informational horizons by forging new links into new networks, bridging the divides between people and communities and enlarging our own experience.
The basic rules for Blog Day ask bloggers to post about five blogs that they would like to share with the world. I’ve decided to do a little more…
Learn MoreWe’re All Home Schoolers
Today’s homes are if anything even more important in the educational ecosystem of most Americans.
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Find the secret key to learning at Janice Campbell: The Overstuffed School Schedule vs. The Learning Lifestyle:
Over time, I learned that we could study any number of topics without weariness if we did two essential things…
While you’re there, take time to follow the link to The Core Curriculum Teaches Connections
Learn MoreHomeschool Moments: Dishing Out BOF, Dealing with Prejudice
Overcoming prejudice and distrust is not a one-time attitude adjustment, but a continuing journey in the company of people who are not like us, but who may become our civic friends. Such a strategy might go a long way toward more important goals: building a supportive environment for homeschoolers, and reinvigorating the varied practices of education & learning in America today.
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A new map of food sources within a hundred miles of Madison, Wisconsin, shows kind of connection and sharing that will allow us as human societies to learn to be conscious of and take responsibility for the earthly places in which we live and move.
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