Acrostics — lists and songs arranged alphabetically — are of course a venerable tradition, uniting the ancient author of Psalm 119 with the youngest child learning to sing the ABC Song. One could say that the alphabet is the first & primary meme, the source behind every other, a natural fit for the blogosphere.
Learn MoreBlog Day 2008–Reading, Learning, Hoping, Blogging, Being
Blog Day is a linkfest initiated by Nir Ofir in 2005, in the belief that bloggers should have one day which will be dedicated to discover new blogs and expose them to the world. We all have a small number of people and sources of information with which we interact of a regular basis, and that social and informational context is part of what shapes who we are in the world. Blog Day is a chance to expand those social and informational horizons by forging new links into new networks, bridging the divides between people and communities and enlarging our own experience.
The basic rules for Blog Day ask bloggers to post about five blogs that they would like to share with the world. I’ve decided to do a little more…
Learn MoreWant a Bestseller? Write About God…or Something…
Taken with my smudgy phone camera on my way through our local big-chain bookstore. What a menagerie! Pictured: A New Earth Eckhart Tolle’s popular Easternish mystic self-help catechism. The Shack Written by William P. Young and recommended by everyone I know, and their cousin. 😉 No less than Eugene Peterson, for crying out loud, compares […]
Learn MoreBooks Are Not Widgets
Books are not widgets. Books are a part of our culture and should be treated as such. Making them into throw away goods is bound to lead to disaster. The best way to handle books is like how we should handle food: small scale and local. –Jenn, gleefully watching Borders go bust at A Bookseller’s […]
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