What Would C.S. Lewis Read?
The books of C.S. Lewis filled me with a sense of wonder & awe, and shaped my youthful vision of what it meant to be a whole, healthy, mature, and virtuous human being. But what books shaped him?
Learn MoreThe Feel of Books
It’s been a long time since we’ve asked questions like, “What good are paper & print for communicating ideas & stories?” And rarely, if ever, have we had reason to think of the feel of books (or for that matter, their smell) as something separate from the books themselves.
Learn MoreRCB Bookmarks, Mid-January, 2009
Links on culture, reading, and the web.
Learn MoreThe Infinite Book: The Plastic Logic Reader (and the Real Nature of Books)
A book is essentially whole, unitary — a little world of human thought, word, & spirit, chosen, shaped, and bound within its covers. Books are bundles; a book is what is bound together. For what makes a book more than it’s binding?
Learn MoreDoes Your Book Deserve My Vote?
Kids react to books much as they react to their favorite candidates: they like them because everyone else does, adding titles to their favorites list even when they haven’t read them. Voting for a Book, part of the Youth Radio series on NPR.
Learn MoreAugust, 1945
Sixty-three years ago this week, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The enormity of the event, the inhuman scale of both this power and its consequences, is nearly impossible to communicate. How can one understand the power of a thousand suns unleashed upon whole cities? It became one of the defining stories for generations […]
Learn MoreThere’s Something Happening Here…
Nicholas Carr says, This is your brain online. You’ve been warned. Now go forth and read.
Learn MoreThe Learning Lifestyle and the Web of Ideas
Find the secret key to learning at Janice Campbell: The Overstuffed School Schedule vs. The Learning Lifestyle:
Over time, I learned that we could study any number of topics without weariness if we did two essential things…
While you’re there, take time to follow the link to The Core Curriculum Teaches Connections
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