Teach Your Children Well
How, in narrative terms, would you explain the Iraq war? On the assumption that you didn?t want to say either that, ?Iraq is only one front in World War IV, the global struggle against Islamofascism? or ?we went to war so the President could get back at the guy who tried to kill his dad, make money for his buddies in the oil business, and protect Israel.?
Learn MoreEverything to Gain
What if you could right a wrong from your parents generation, and pass on a blessing to your children? What if you could build businesses in the community, cut crime, pollution, and disease, and make a profit doing it?
Learn MoreHomeschool Moments: Dishing Out BOF, Dealing with Prejudice
Overcoming prejudice and distrust is not a one-time attitude adjustment, but a continuing journey in the company of people who are not like us, but who may become our civic friends. Such a strategy might go a long way toward more important goals: building a supportive environment for homeschoolers, and reinvigorating the varied practices of education & learning in America today.
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