WordPress 2.5 Widgets: Taking the Load Off Your Mind
WordPress, the free and open-source software that runs this site, has recently been the victim of a major upgrade. We can draw on educational psychology to help us understand where the redesign fails, and how we might do better.
Learn MoreWhat Are Blogs? Not Monologues but Conversations
Here at the beginning of the 21st Century, the internet connects us (however imperfectly) across barriers of geography, race, class, age, ability, family situation, income, education, religion, culture, and even language. The monologue of the powerful few, for good or ill, is overcome by connections among the many. With those connections come power — ordinary people like you and me are given the power (and therefore the responsibility) of participation in each others’ lives.
Learn MoreOur first Reading Circle!
Kriss over at Circle M Farm suggested Having Faith after reading author Sandra Steingraber’s earlier book, Living Downstream. We’ll be reading it together beginning in January, 2008, with Nicole Five Pennies as our host. So go look up Kris’ wonderful invitation to read together, get your copy (the little blue box by the title will […]
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