The Science of Giving Thanks
In short, acts of gratitude improve your overall well-being. That?s reason enough for me to start being more thankful for what I have.
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Studs Terkel, 1912-2008
Studs Terkel, that great & generous soul, has passed on. For me, the voice of Studs Terkel will always symbolize a combination of passionate curiosity, prophetic conviction, and deeply generous, fatherly love. He delighted in the people of the world, and shared his delight with us.
Learn MoreAnother Halloween
It’s that time of year again, when our culture takes a holiday originating in fall harvest and the passing of generations, and turns it into a celebration of imagination, childhood, community, misrule, aggression, terror, & trauma (as well as another opportunity for a capitalist binge).
Learn MoreWhat’s on Your Plate?
One of the things that has blessed us in our time in this part of Wisconsin has been the chance to live close to our food. It’s not that we sat farther from our plates in the city where I grew up, of course; it’s that we sat further away from the land that was our food’s native home.
Learn MoreMy Kind of Expert
“The very idea that there is no truth, but only the filter of narrative through which truth is invented is something I learned at the feet of the most leftist professors at Yale and am learning again from Sarah Palin during the Vice Presidential debate, and I find that very disorienting.”
Learn MoreMath Against Tyranny — Understanding the Electoral College
“Experts, scholars, deep thinkers could make errors on electoral reform,” Alan Natapoff decided, “but nine-year-olds could explain to a Martian why the Yankees lost in 1960, and why it was right. And both have the same underlying abstract principle.”
Learn MorePoverty Bibliography (Blog Action Day 2008)
A bibliography for Blog Action Day 2008: Poverty. A collection of readings on economics and poverty, for parents, kids, and churches. “You cannot reduce poverty if you don’t know what poverty is.”
Learn MoreDashed Hopes (or, Nonsense in Nashville)
Richard Harwood: “When this campaign started, many people, including myself, thought it was a golden opportunity for a real debate between competing visions for the nation’s future. Remember that?”
Learn MoreComing Next Week: Blog Action Day ’08: Poverty
Visit, and join the Blog Action Day ’08 conversation on poverty!
Learn MoreDoes Your Book Deserve My Vote?
Kids react to books much as they react to their favorite candidates: they like them because everyone else does, adding titles to their favorites list even when they haven’t read them. Voting for a Book, part of the Youth Radio series on NPR.
Learn MorePay Your Library Fines!
…or my may end up like Heidi Dalibor.
(Though I guess it’s better than getting hunted down by the Library Ninjas.)
Learn MoreThe Woman, the Problem, the Dream…and the Hope?
Some of our struggles: from Sojurner Truth, who asks, “Ain’t I a Woman?” From W.E.B. Du Bois, who asks, “How does it feel to be a Problem?” From Martin Luther King, Jr., who asks, “Can we bank on this dream?” And from Barack Obama, who claims that, “Yes, we can.”
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