BHoff was bored, so he posted a meme: Lets Play: URL ABC. Acrostics — lists and songs arranged alphabetically — are of course a venerable tradition, uniting the ancient author of Psalm 119 with the youngest child learning to sing the ABC Song. One could say that the alphabet is the first & primary meme, the source behind every other, a natural fit for the blogosphere. Here are the rules for this Internet-age acrostic:
Launch your favorite, most frequently used browser for surfing the web. Start by typing, one letter at a time, the entire alphabet into the search bar to see what pops up first. Record the results.
Here is my internet alphabet:
- Really, what did you expect?
- The Book Depository
- A new-to-me competitor to A, shipping free, and building the BibDib database – whatever that turns out to be.Β I also just have to mention Better World Books, which is astounding in ways that deserve their own post. π
- WordPress Core Trac
- The place where the free and open source software that runs this site is built for love.
- Doodle
- A really simple way to get ten busy people in a room together at the same time.
- This Emotional Life
- An excellent series on some essential aspects of being human. Good to watch with our pre-teen boys.
- The under-construction (by me!) website for the nonprofit, Christian homeschool choir & arts co-op that our kids attend each Friday – and that Nicole spends many more hours on as the Chair of the Parent Advisory Committee.
- The Geneva Forum
- An amazing arts outreach by a local church for which I was privileged to sell books! π
- Hearts & Minds Books
- One of the most amazing bookstores on the face of the earth! Byron & Beth Borger have built a bookstore that can’t be described in just a few words. They are guides to deep treasure-houses of thoughtful engagement of the Church with the world in all its multifaceted wonder.
- Indie Bound
- The site for an alliance of independent bookstores and the readers that love them, sponsored by the American Booksellers Association.
- Jesus Creed
- Yet another post (this one on Intelligent Design) at The Jesus Creed blog that engages Evangelical and other Christians in important, discipleship-building conversations, hosted most often by Scott McKnight, the Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies at North Park University in Chicago, Illinois, across the street from my late-childhood home.
- TeleRead | Shaking Down the Kindle Store & Software
- Part of a series on that book-reading thingie from letter A, by John Midiema, who pays deeper attention than most.
- Madison Public Library events
- ‘Cause how can you homeschool without a library?
- Magic School Bus Books Review at Curriculum Choice
- Comments on a surprisingly controversial book series.
- The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- A place I’ve been honored to be a part of for the last four years.1
- Open Library
- The utterly beautiful site that is undertaking the utterly awesome task of building “one web page for every book.” Get on over there and add a title!
- Vladimir Prelovac
- Author of the WordPress Plugin Development Beginners Guide, by means of which I am currently trying to move a little further toward expertise in wrangling that particular software.
- The Quiet Revolution
- For all his failures and omissions, in some ways President Obama is doing the job I wanted him to when I gave him my vote.
- Reading Circle Books (home sweet home) & Resilience Alliance
- Resilience Alliance is a hub for scientists studying how social & ecological systems grow, stabilize, collapse, and renew. Currently, this site is in the process of trying to capture sufficient resources (time, attention, expertise, cash) to reorganize & enter a growth phase. π
- Patterns on Squidfingers + Stock & Flow on Snarkmarket
- One of the many stocks of resources available on the World Wide Web, and some thoughts on how such things might fit into the bigger picture.
- Toshiba Satellite Laptop review on
- A little virtual window shopping…(see “V”).
- University of Wisconsin Credit Union
- Banking as a local, member-owned, not-for-profit, cooperative business.
- Verizon & Rivergrace
- Because we all like shiny tech stuff — and because there’s more to beauty than the shiny stuff.
- WordCamp Chicago
- Where I’m planning to be the first weekend in June, 2010, learning all I can.
- Contexts
- Contexts is a quarterly magazine of sociology, inviting readers to observe and think critically about the societies in which they live.
- You Version
- The online Bible that I’ve been using lately. I’m still not sure it has a search advantage over the Bible study tools at, but great for a quick link. Multiple translations, electronic search indexing, note-taking — Bible, meet the e-Book age. Gutenberg, eat your heart out.
- Zephoria on Twitter
- One of the many diverse people on who, by participation in many communities online and off, enrich my resources and sharpen my thinking every day.
Thanks for reading along with my meme. Hope you don’t get the song about the long word stuck in your head.
- All views expressed on this blog are those of the author, and are not necessarily shared by my employer. ↩
Your “Z” just really tickled me — and I found some new sites I was unaware of through reading all the way to the bottom! Can I make a recommendation for a book I think would resonate? It’s PersonaliTrees — and it shows beautiful photographs of trees depicting human emotions and conditions, each matched up perfectly with an inspirational quotation. You just find yourself pulled from the hurry-up pace of everyday life into calmness. It’s just a way to slow down, get a new perspective on things and you end up refreshed and renewed. Plus, you learn to see things in just a different way. (I guarantee you’ll look at trees in a new way!)
.-= LizΒ΄s last blog: lizreads: Stared at alarm clock at 5:11 a.m. wondering, why r u TALKING to me? Hate DST. We shld change clocks on Sat! dragged self from bed anyway… =-.